The Nostalgic Value of the Original Apple-1 Computer

Mid-1970s Original Apple 1 Desktop Computer. Estimated Appraised Value: $750,000

Mid-1970s Original Apple 1 Desktop Computer. Estimated Appraised Value: $750,000


The original Apple-1 computer is a significant artifact in the history of personal computing. As one of the first computers designed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, it holds immense nostalgic and financial value for tech enthusiasts and collectors.

A Brief History

Released in 1976, the Apple-1 was Apple's first product, hand-built by Wozniak and sold by Jobs. Only about 200 units were produced, with even fewer surviving today, making it a highly sought-after collector's item.

Potential Value Range

Investment Potential: The value of an original Apple-1 computer can range from $200,000 to nearly $1,000,000, depending on its condition, completeness, and provenance.

Key Factors Influencing the Apple-1's Value

  • Rarity: Limited production and surviving units enhance its value.

  • Condition: Complete and operational units are more valuable.

  • Provenance: Units with documented history and original documentation fetch higher prices.

Benefits of Expert Appraisal and Authentication

  • Ensure Authenticity: Professional appraisal verifies the computer’s authenticity and origin.

  • Accurate Valuation: Understand the true market value for insurance, sale, or investment purposes.

  • Preserve Condition: Expert advice on proper storage and maintenance to maintain the computer's value.

Appraisal Insights for the Apple-1 Computer

  • Authenticity Verification: Confirming the computer’s serial number and components.

  • Condition Assessment: Evaluating the unit’s operational status and completeness.

  • Market Evaluation: Reviewing recent sales of similar units to determine current value.


The original Apple-1 computer is a milestone in technology history, offering significant investment potential. For expert appraisal and authentication services, visit DJR Authentication.

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